Society of Physics Students

Undergraduate Physics Club @ UCLA | Facebook| Instagram | discord

2023-2024 Officer Board

Vedang Bhelande President

Hey folks, my name is Vedang and I’m your SPS president for this year. I’m a 4th year physics major conducting research in plasma astrophysics. Aside from coding (which takes up 90% of my life), you can find me procrastinating on assignments by planning my next road trip or napping in a library on campus. I’m excited to meet y’all at our events and have a good time! PS: See if you can find the photoshopped spot in my photo.

Joseph Vera Vice President

Hi everyone! My name is Joseph, I am a 4th year physics major, and the Vice President of SPS. My main interests in physics are split between condensed matter, which I currently work in, and particle astrophysics, which I would like to get involved in! I love singing, traveling, hanging out with my wife Sofia, watching tv shows, and playing Pokemon and Zelda, which I’m always down to talk about!

Mary Minasyan Vice President of Socials

Hi everyone, my name is Mary Minasyan and I am one of your socials officers this year! I’m a fourth year astrophysics major with research interests in theoretical cosmology and early galaxies. When I’m not working on problem sets or code, you can find me playing the violin, baking scones, or (let’s be real) watching Netflix. I’m super excited to host fun events for everyone to enjoy. Let’s have a great year together!


Sebastian Quevedo Vice President of Socials

Hi I’m Sebastian Quevedo and I’m one of the social chairs for this year! I’m a general physics major and also a transfer student. Besides physics a lot of my interest vary also lay in philosophy, film, and especially music! I love listening to new albums and finding new music and movies to watch, so if you ever have any great recommendations don’t be afraid to pass them around!

Ryan Morokutti Treasurer

I developed a passion for physics from building catapults and solar power cars as a kid. I love building LEGOs, exploring underground places, and making impromptu references to Game of Thrones.

Zhaoyan Sun Vice President of Builds

Hi guys, my name is Zhaoyan Sun you can call me Yan, I’m a 2nd year astrophysics major. I enjoy playing video games, hanging out with people, and eating food! As the Builds officer this year my goal is to create fun and interactive activities that explore the current topics in physics for the SPS community.

Swathya Chauhan Vice President of Builds

Hi y’all, I’m a tħird year Astropħysics major from New Delħi, India. Wħen I’m not busy probing tħe intricacies of tħe Interstellar Medium, I am analyzing sonnets and penning down my own stanzas. I love caffeine, and talking to people after caffeine, so come say ħello! P.S. Pħysics is gay.

Vikram Seenivasan Vice President of Social Media

Hey everyone! I'm a third-year Physics major, and I'm interested in a lot of different fields of Physics and Astronomy, my current obsessions being astroparticle physics and dark matter (where I do research). I love to cook and bake, listen to music (open to suggestions!!) and read about anything and everything. Please send me all your Physics memes :)

Chris Ma Vice President of Social Media

Hi! I’m Chris, a fourth year physics major! I will be your social media officer this year! I like painting, reading, and drinking lao gan ma. I’m excited for SPS this year!